Fresh on the heels of last weekend’s Annual Bridal Fair, Meadowbrook Mall announces plans for the 2020 Baby & Me Day. The 16th annual event is sponsored by WV Healthy Start/HAPI Project and takes place Saturday, March 14.
On hand will be several vendors offering valuable information, car seat installation demos and other useful resources for parents.
“This event offers a great way to gather timely information on the health and wellness of moms, pregnant moms and babies – from newborn up to toddler age,” said Meadowbrook Mall Marketing Director Robin Urquhart. “The event is especially helpful for first-time moms. The goal is to provide families with the resources to ensure they have healthy pregnancies, families and babies!”
The whole family can become involved in Baby & Me Day.

Beginning at 10 a.m., moms can register at the WDTV5 Event Center to be eligible to win over $3,000 in door prizes including a rocker recliner, pack n’ play, video monitor, car seat and breast pump. The first 200 moms to register will receive goody bags from Parents Magazine. Included will be samples/coupons from Prince Lionheart, Simplylily, Triple Paste, The Boppy Company and Three Lollies/Preggie Pops.
Registration for the popular UniCare Baby Crawl Contest also begins at 10 a.m. Babies 12 months or younger – and not yet walking – are eligible for the competition.
At 11 a.m., the HAPI Project will host an event just for dads: The 2nd Annual Daddy Olympics will feature more family-friendly competition and, of course, prizes.
The Baby Crawl Contest starts at 12 noon in Center Court. Prizes will be awarded for each heat winner and the overall fastest crawler will win a jogging stroller. Following the contest, door prize drawings will be presented.

“Baby & Me Day is a great, fun way to network with other moms through activities like the Baby Crawl Contest and Daddy Olympics, plus moms have the chance to win some very useful prizes for both herself and for her children,” Urquhart said.
Free and open to the public, Baby & Me Day will feature the following vendors: UniCare Health Plan of WV, Inc., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library, Life Choice, Pregnancy Resource Center of Marion County, Right From the Start-Region VII RLA, The Health Plan, UHC – OB Dept., WV Birth to Three-Region 2, WV Healthy Start/HAPI Project, WV WIC Harrison Co./Monongalia County Health Dept., WVU Dept. of OB/GYN ACE Program, WVU School of Dentistry, WVU Medicine Children’s Kohl’s Healthy Babies Program, Burlington United Methodist Family Services, Chick-fil-A, Choices Child Care Resources and Referral, Harrison County YMCA, RDVIC, The Chiropractic Care Center, WV Prevention Solutions, Preston/Taylor Parents as Teachers Program, Aetna Better Health of WV and Women’s Health Care.