On August 1, the Bridgeport Police Department will host to National Night Out. The event, which is held nationwide on the first Tuesday in August, is celebrating its 40th year.
While the national event with law enforcement will celebrate the start of its fourth decade, Bridgeport will be celebrating its third year of holding festivities at The Bridge Sports and Recreation Complex. The move was made in 2021 after holding it on the grounds of the Benedum Civic Center.
Although the event was always a hit there, the crowds got to the point – along with a lack of convenient parking – where it was a bit cumbersome. That led to the move to The Bridge, which has plenty of outdoor space and ample parking.
“It’s turned out to be a great venue,” said Police Chief Mark Rogers.
While the community will show up in droves for what is offered, the key component of National Night Out remains the same. And that is to get residents to feel comfortable with those who protect and serve.
“It’s a time for police departments across America to let the community learn more about us, as well as our partners, and have a good evening,” said Rogers.
The concept works, and it particularly works from an attendance standpoint. As has often been the case, more than 1,000 are in attendance, and that is the case with other local jurisdictions also having the same event.
“I’ve been involved with this for a few years, and now as chief, one thing continues to happen. The numbers tend to grow each year,” said Rogers.
The National Night Out event draws well for a number of reasons beyond the fun and fellowship with local police officers and supporting agencies. There is plenty of free food, drinks, door prizes, entertainment, and activities for the kids.
It all culminates with fireworks at the end of the evening.
“We want people to come and enjoy entertainment, younger and older folks alike, at the event,” said Rogers. “It’s a great evening.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. It lasts until just after dark when the fireworks show is complete.
Check back to Connect-Bridgeport in the days ahead for a complete list of vendors, sponsors, participating agencies, and more.