On the heels of its successful game of “Clue,” Bridgeport Parks & Recreation is launching another interactive game for area families.

“We’re excited to kick off Alphabet Hide & Seek,” said Recreation Coordinator Katie Squires. “Clues have been hidden at City Park and at (Hinkle/Deegan) Lakes.”
There are 26 clue cards stashed, each a number with a corresponding letter.
“Write the letter on the answer key next to that number until you’ve matched them all,” Squires said. “Then use it to solve the phrase on the bottom of the answer key.”
Once solved, email the phrase to parkswv@bridgeportwv.com. Of correct answers, 10 lucky winners will be drawn at random for a prize.
Answers must be submitted by Friday, August 21.
Squires hopes locals will enjoy the new game as much as they did the last.

“The Clue game was a huge success! We had over 80 entries into the prize drawing and many families submitted their names together, so I believe well over 100 people participated. Many people commented that it was a fun family activity that encouraged them to get out and walk while spending time together.”
The games were implemented to fill a void left by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent cancellation of events and closure of entertainment facilities.
“With many restrictions on activities or places like movie theaters closed, this is a great way to encourage people to visit our parks and also spend time together safely,” Squires said. “We encourage social distancing and you don’t need a lot of people to play plus we are outside enjoying the great weather! We know it’s a tough time for all and many of our typically summer activities have changed dramatically, this is a great way to still encourage in our community and play together even though we are apart.”
She said the parks and recreation department hopes to continue the activities into fall. Though Squires wouldn’t provide any clue to the phrase to be solved, she did disclose that prizes awarded will be gift cards to local businesses.
Pictured top is Bridgeport Recreation Coordinator Katie Squires. Also pictured are local kids taking part in the recent game of “Clue,” also hosted by Bridgeport Parks and Recreation.