The City of Bridgeport Parks and Recreation department is excited to sponsor the Community Garden again this year.  The garden is located on Rt.50 just East of the Police Station.  The Community Garden has been producing fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits to donate to Shepherd’s Corner, the local food pantry, for several years.  Fresh food is a welcome commodity at the food pantry where recipients are accustomed to canned fruits and vegetables most of the year.
The city helps maintain the garden and upkeep but is looking for volunteers to help with the process.  The garden has been prepped and is now ready to be planted.  We are looking for about 10 volunteers to help with the planting on Tuesday May 21st at 5:00pm.  All the supplies, plants, seeds and tools will be provided.  If you have any gardening experience, we would love to have your help and added knowledge.  If you have no experience but want to volunteer, we would love to have you too!  We welcome volunteers of all ages but prefer children over 12 years of age for the planting.
Can’t make it to the planting party next week but still want to be involved?  We will have a SignUpGenius available soon to have individuals and/or groups commit to watering, weeding, and harvesting throughout the summer.  We need your help to make the Community Garden a success which will directly benefit the health and nutrition of our local families in need.
Editor’s Note: File photos of Bridgeport Community Garden were taken in 2023.